Glint Version 2 Enters Production

After several months of prototyping and development Glint version 2.0 (Glint v2) has entered production. Glint v2 is a standalone web service inspired by Colin Leavett-Brown and Ron Desmarais' original glint service (Glint v1). The idea of glint was to allow for image replication across multiple openstack clouds using a simple interface instead of manually downloading and uploading images to new locations. Version 2 differs from the original in that it is a dedicated web service instead of an extension of the Openstack Horizon dashboard. Unfortunately the Openstack developers had a different philosophy regarding image and repository management and decided not to accept glint v1 as a proprietary module.

The Openstack 6 month development cycle made it unreasonable for a small group like UVic's HEPRC group to maintain Glint v1 as an openstack plugin. Instead a new version of the service was conceived, a version that is independent of Openstack and one day could even be expanded to include different types of clouds. Glint v2 eventually introduced several features not available in the original version:

 - x509 certificate based authentication
 - Image conflict detection
 - Direct Image upload/download

An admin of Glint v2 is able to add users based on their x509 certificate DN allowing for secure SSL authentication and communication with the service negating any need for password management. Version 2 also can help provide some support for an Openstack cloud admin by detecting duplicate image names and identical images with differing names that may have an effect on batch production using a service such as cloud scheduler. A user is also able to upload an image directly (or from a web link) to any number of openstack projects which have been made available in glint substantially reducing the work required to propagate a brand new image across several clouds. Finally, the images in glintv2 are available for direct download if you'd like a copy of an image to move to another type cloud. We hope that one day glint will be compatible with many cloud types such as Amazon's EC2, Google's Compute Engine, and Microsoft's Azure allowing easy image management across all popular cloud services.

For more information about Glint v2 please see the Glint v2 github page or the Glint v2 User's Guide.


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